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/EGY STITCH & TEX 2024 a successful event for LEADSFON

EGY STITCH & TEX 2024 a successful event for LEADSFON

Feb 03, 2024

LEADSFON is delighted to participate in EGY STITCH & TEX 2024 and would like to thank everyone who visited our booth sincerely. The event was a great success for LEADSFON, allowing us to showcase our innovative products(circular knitting machines) and interact with industry peers. As we look back on the rich experience of this exhibition, we are eager to capitalize on the connections we have made and future opportunities. We are confident about potential future collaborations and growth prospects. We are committed to building on the momentum of this event and continuing to provide excellent services to the textile and apparel industry. Thank you for being so supportive and we look forward to a bright future together.

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